Thursday, April 5, 2012

Clean Sweep

Now... for being a makeup artist you would think I would have tried out this amazing little "Miracle in a Bottle" (as I now call it) a long, long time ago. You see just an ordinary bottle of baby shampoo, and I see only the BEST brush cleanser EVERRRR!!! Yep, that's right, not only will this get your little one squeaky clean, but it will do the same for your very precious and delicate makeup brushes! For so long... too long... I have been using MAC's brush cleanser. While using that I was feeling like I never could get my brushes quite clean enough, and also found myself repeatedly "shampooing" them. Unfortunately, I didn't really realize that there was something oh so better out there. I was recommending that MAC crap to so many people to be the "best" cleanser I know of (thinking it was). Well thanks to all the beauty gurus on YouTube, and beauty bloggers on the internet, I decided to try this out.... and boy, was I glad!!

I'm gonna do my best to give you all a step by step on how to cleanse your brushes with this product.

First off you are going to want to, of course, gather up all your brushes you would like to wash and wet them a bit under a running tap. I use lukewarm water. Just try to get out as much makeup gunk as possible with water, BUT make sure you DO NOT turn your brush upwards towards the water. You want your brush downwards facing the sink. This will prevent water getting into the glue that holds are the hairs in the barrel. 

Secondly, squeeze a small amount of the baby shampoo into the palm of your hand (try to keep your hand cupped so that your palm is almost a little bowl). Take your chosen brush, make sure its damp, and swirl it around in your palm until you start to see all the makeup products in the suds of the soap. After this you are going to want to rinse it, and if it isn't COMPLETELY clean, repeat this step. And make sure you rinse very thoroughly!!!! 

Lastly, you will want to lay out your hand towel (or even a paper towel) and lay your brushes out. When you are drying your brushes you want to make sure they are shaped the way you'd like them before they dry... We don't any fluffy, funky looking brushes. You want to let them dry overnight, I'd say for at LEAST 8 hours.  Before you use them the next day, maybe wipe them on your hand towel to make sure they're dry, and to get any loose stray hairs off.

This completes the steps for cleansing your pretty little brushes. I hope this was useful for you all and that you enjoy this beauty secret as much as I have. 

With squeaky clean hands AND brushes,

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